#!/usr/bin/perl #Display Odour information use CGI; use DBI; print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; $a = <<"ENDA"; Odour keywords ENDA print $a; $query = new CGI; $odour = $query->param('odour'); print "

Search for $odour

"; # Open the database $hostname = "localhost:3306"; $database = "rmottram_odour"; $user="rmottram_odour"; $password="kja3vcu!eqk4WZF0epa"; $|=1; # Don't buffer output $statement = "Select DISTINCT Compound_ID from Odour_Data where Odour='$odour'"; $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:$database:$hostname", $user, $password) or die "Couldn't connect to database: " . DBI->errstr; $sth = $dbh->prepare($statement) or die print "can't prepare the statement"; $rv = $sth->execute or die print "can't execute the query: $sth->errstr"; #Display the Records while(@row = $sth->fetchrow_array) { $statement_compound = "SELECT Compound from Compound_Data WHERE Compound_ID='@row'"; $sth_compound = $dbh->prepare($statement_compound) or die print "can't prepare the statement"; $rv = $sth_compound->execute or die print "can't execute the query: $sth->errstr"; @compound_name = $sth_compound->fetchrow_array; print "view @compound_name "; $statement2 = "SELECT DISTINCT Odour from Odour_Data WHERE Compound_ID='@row'"; $sth2 = $dbh->prepare($statement2) or die print "can't prepare the statement"; $rv = $sth2->execute or die print "can't execute the query: $sth->errstr"; while(@odour = $sth2->fetchrow_array) { print "@odour, "; } print "

"; } $a = <<"ENDB";

ENDB print $a; $rc = $sth->finish; #$rc = $sth2->finish; #$rc = $sth_compound->finish; $rc = $dbh->disconnect;